Friday, 28 February 2014

Week 3: Digital Photography

In this week, we learned about Digital Photography. So, we get to know more about DSLR in today's class and throughout this semester. Dr. Jamal asked us to borrow DSLR camera from Photography Lab which is handled by Encik Fuad. Alhamdulillah, I'm very grateful because the faculty can lend DSLR camera since I don't have one and this will help me to learn deeply and do my visual projects using DSLR camera.

Borrowed from Photograpgy Lab

Nikon D3000

Dr. Jamal taught us the basic on how to control over the camera. Here, i found a source u can learn the basic of DSLR from this page The Digital SLR (Mini Course at End). Hope you will get to know more as newbie in DSLR world.

We also learned about what is aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. This three modes are really related with each other. How you have to adjust the settings according to situations you want to capture. This three modes also known as the "Exposure Triangle".

Source : Kruger-2-Kalahari (2008)

ISO -the level of sensitivity of your camera to available light. It is typically measured in numbers, a lower number representing lower sensitivity to available light, while higher numbers mean more sensitivity. More sensitivity comes at the cost though, as the ISO increases, so does the grain/noise in the images. Examples of ISO: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600.

Shutter Speed – the length of time a camera shutter is open to expose light into the camera sensor. Shutter speeds are typically measured in fractions of a second, when they are under a second. Slow shutter speeds allow more light into the camera sensor and are used for low-light and night photography, while fast shutter speeds help to freeze motion. Examples of shutter speeds: 1/15 (1/15th of a second), 1/30, 1/60, 1/125.

Aperture – a hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body. The larger the hole, the more light passes to the camera sensor. Aperture also controls the depth of field, which is the portion of a scene that appears to be sharp. If the aperture is very small, the depth of field is large, while if the aperture is large, the depth of field is small. In photography, aperture is typically expressed in “f” numbers (also known as “focal ratio”, since the f-number is the ratio of the diameter of the lens aperture to the length of the lens). Examples of f-numbers are: f/1.4, f/2.0, f/2.8, f/4.0, f/5.6, f/8.0.

Read more : Understanding ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture- A Beginner's Guide

Besides that, Dr. Jamal also provides us link in e-learning to learn about Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO . He asked us to explore the DSLR camera by ourselves and get to know more on how to control the aperture, shutter speed and ISO.  So, let's take creative and control of your camera using Canon Play.

Other than that, Dr. Jamal also explained about the mode dial that is available on DSLR camera such as Program Mode, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual Mode and Dedicated Scenes. You have to decide the best shooting modes for your subject. You can refer to this Digital camera modes explained: choose the best shooting mode for your subject.

In addition, if you want to explore more about DSLR camera for beginner. You can watch many videos and tutorials from PHOTOIX . This is one of videos about Nikon D3100 Basic Beginner Shooting Operation.

Hope you enjoy learning about DSLR cameras. I will upload my photos as my learning process using DSLR camera in this blog. The pictures may looks not really that stunning.. heheh.. but at least i learned and gained knowledges. It takes a lot of creativity to produce a good photos. So, I hope, i have that kind of talent. 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Week 2: Basic Photography

In this week, we learned about basic photography such as types of camera, choosing a digital camera, camera setting and camera modes, media storage device and file formats.

So, this was my first time attended the class. This class was so fun and interesting as in the lecturer have sense of humour rather than being serious all time. And yeah.. this class is so enjoyable.. :)

There are three topics as i mentioned last week need to be presented and discussed in class.I choose types of cameras which is discuss on general issues and how to choose perfect cameras for you.

I had presented and shared my findings about types of camera. There are three types of cameras :

1. Point and Shoots Camera
2. Mirrorless Interchangeble Lens Camera
3. DSLR camera

Firstly, point and shoot camera is like compact camera that are sells many in the markets. You can choose many brands such as Nikon, Canon, Lumix, Pentax and many more. Point and shoots cameras type is generally very easy to use as you just 'point' and 'shoots'.

This type of camera is mostly use focus free lenses/autofocus, automatic systems for setting the exposure options and have flash units built in. Hence this is suitable for someone who does not like to operate the camera in complex and difficult manner and also does not need to change lens or attach the flash on the cameras.

You also can get this type cameras cheap to expensive in the market. So, for those who have money limitation and does not care about the high quality picture, you just can grab this type of camera. It's simple and easy to use and light to bring anywhere you want. See the image of compact camera below.

Compact Camera (Fujifilm XF1)

Secondly, Mirrorless Interchangeble Lens Camera is type of camers that exist between a point and shoots and a DSLR. The user have full control over automatic and manual codes same way as a DSLR, the lens is interchangeable also same way as a DSLR.

In this class, Dr. Jamal has brought the Mirrorless Interchange Lens Camera type in class to be showed to the class. His camera model is Sony Nex Alpha. He showed to us why this type camera is called mirrorless. He was separate the lens of Sony Nex Alpha from the body camera and showed us what is inside the camera. There is no mirror inside. That is why it is called mirrorless. In addition, Dr. Jamal also had showed us the inside of DSLR camera which is exist mirror.

Here the image of Sony Nex Alpha with lens and without lens. You can see there is no mirror inside it.

Mirrorless Interchangeble lens Camera (Sony Nex Alpha)

You can see there is no mirror inside.
So, this is the major difference between this two types of cameras which is mirror. Optical viewfinders on DSLR systems use a system of mirror that show the scene to be photographed. However, mirrorrless cameras do not operate with this system and do not have mirrors. Instead they are equipped with either a LCD screen or an electronic viewfinder that preview the scene instead.

Thus, this type of camera is suitable for those who want a DSLR-like camera in point and shoot style. And it also much lighter than DSLR. The consumer still can capture excellent image quality and it also provides lens option.

Third, DSLR cameras have removable lenses, that have a reflex mirror which allows live optical viewing through the lens taking the image. This type of cameras are generally for professional photographer. However, recently, this type of cameras become trends and ordinary people can have it apart from professional photographer.

DSLR (Canon EOS 1000D)

DSLR is very expensive and it is suitable for those who has lots of money, they afford to buy it. In this class, I just known that the DSLR camera price can be from 1k to 20k. Wooow... very expensive.. And of course the image is very high quality as long as u know how to control the camera and use it creatively and produce top-notch image. For those out there, who likes to total control over your camera, you can buy DSLR.

In summary, figure out what types of cameras that suits you, then you can start think to buy a perfect cameras for you. Any this three types of cameras can be choose from as long as you know what you want.

One more thing, Dr. Jamal mentioned that there is one website which is you can compare any two models of camera which is . In this website can help you to choose perfect camera for you.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Week 1 : Introduction

In this blog, i would like to share my learning in Visual Technology Production (MPT 1483). This class is conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin Harun and Dr. Nurbiha A. Shukor. Below is a brief explanation about the course:

"This course gives exposures on theories and skills of design and production of visual static media. Besides the conventional methods to produce visual‐based materials, this course will be focused more on the use of a digital camera and computer to produce quality of images. Several photography techniques, approaches in developing of digital images, and image manipulation techniques will be shared in this course to produce excellent and quality images. Using the digital images, students will develop a complete package of teaching and learning materials based on visual as a medium. The package will be tested and evaluated by a group of target users."

 I was absent from this class this week due to expensive plane ticket to Johor Bahru from Kuching and i missed first class. But anyway, in this week, I was told by my friend who takes the same course that Dr. Jamal will be conducted this class for half of semester and then Dr. Nurbiha will takes control after half semester. 

In this week Dr. Jamal explained briefly about the course and syllabus and also the method of assessment. In addition, we also can refer to course outline for details. 

The assessment methods of this course are divided by four ways :

1. Final examination
2. Project
3. Project presentation
4. Test

So, I need to do my best in every class activities for me to get the best result for this course. Insya Allah I will do as best as I could. 

In this week, we've been given a task to do for discussion next week. There are three topics to choose from which are :

1.General issue (types of camera)
2. Digital SLR
3.DSLR brands (Nikon VS Canon)

I choose to discuss on general issue on types of camera. The things that needed to discuss is on how to choose and buy the best digital camera or how to choose the perfect digital camera for your needs.

We need to do slides presentation and discuss about it on next class.

Lastly, here I attach my course outline.