Thursday, 13 February 2014

Week 1 : Introduction

In this blog, i would like to share my learning in Visual Technology Production (MPT 1483). This class is conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin Harun and Dr. Nurbiha A. Shukor. Below is a brief explanation about the course:

"This course gives exposures on theories and skills of design and production of visual static media. Besides the conventional methods to produce visual‐based materials, this course will be focused more on the use of a digital camera and computer to produce quality of images. Several photography techniques, approaches in developing of digital images, and image manipulation techniques will be shared in this course to produce excellent and quality images. Using the digital images, students will develop a complete package of teaching and learning materials based on visual as a medium. The package will be tested and evaluated by a group of target users."

 I was absent from this class this week due to expensive plane ticket to Johor Bahru from Kuching and i missed first class. But anyway, in this week, I was told by my friend who takes the same course that Dr. Jamal will be conducted this class for half of semester and then Dr. Nurbiha will takes control after half semester. 

In this week Dr. Jamal explained briefly about the course and syllabus and also the method of assessment. In addition, we also can refer to course outline for details. 

The assessment methods of this course are divided by four ways :

1. Final examination
2. Project
3. Project presentation
4. Test

So, I need to do my best in every class activities for me to get the best result for this course. Insya Allah I will do as best as I could. 

In this week, we've been given a task to do for discussion next week. There are three topics to choose from which are :

1.General issue (types of camera)
2. Digital SLR
3.DSLR brands (Nikon VS Canon)

I choose to discuss on general issue on types of camera. The things that needed to discuss is on how to choose and buy the best digital camera or how to choose the perfect digital camera for your needs.

We need to do slides presentation and discuss about it on next class.

Lastly, here I attach my course outline.

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